Vehicle History Check

  • Enter VIN Number
  • Choose VIN Report
  • Find out more

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Data for vehicles from all over United States, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Denmark and Luxembourg.

Why use AUTO DEX REports?

Purchase a VIN report before buying a car to avoid getting a damaged vehicle. It’s smarter to make a well-informed choice instead of risking your safety and the safety of your loved ones. Simply enter the VIN in the search field to find out the vehicle’s history. You can even check out old photos that might show any damage, the recorded mileage, and more. Our vehicle history report is a big help when buying a used car.

Vehicle History

Details on sales promotions, offers, and vehicle ownership information


Details regarding incidents and collisions involving a vehicle

Mileage reading

A systematic record of mileage readings in chronological order

Vehicle inspections

Details pertaining to completed surveys and vehicle inspections

Record Check

Verification of international vehicle records requested

Archival photo

Archival photographic documentation of the vehicle

Technical data

Comprehensive inventory of factory vehicle equipment options

Analysis VIN

Verification and validation of VIN checksum

How to decode the VIN number?

Use our VIN decoder for comprehensive information provided by the vehicle manufacturer. This tool ensures you receive reliable details about the vehicle you’re interested in, including verification of its equipment. To access this information, simply enter the VIN number into our system. Within a few seconds, you’ll receive decoded details. From the generated report, you can select specific points of interest, including checking the vehicle’s country of origin. Choose a convenient payment method, complete the transaction, and within minutes, receive an email notification with the generated Vehicle History Report.

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